We are open 7 days. Our stores are located in Melbourne CBD and Greensborough Plaza.


iPhone 14 Pro Max Back Glass Replacement

iPhone 14 Pro Max Back glass replacement in Melbourne Australia. We are the leading phone repair company to fix your iPhone back glass. Most of our repairs are done in an hour. The most popular iPhone to date yet. If you have broken the rear glass of your iPhone 14 Range. Don’t worry! Using our special laser technology and original parts, our iPhone back glass repair will have you sorted in no time.

Is my data going to be lost?
You will be happy to know we don’t require you to reset your device, your data is perfectly safe and we don’t even require your PIN for testing.

Like most services at Mobile Screen Fix, we only use the highest-graded replacement parts. Regardless of what we need to do to resolve your repair, the price you see is the price you pay. If your iPhone has the back glass cracked, it is exposed to wet and may stop working. Get it replaced before it is too late. Our certified technicians know how to replace the back glass on your iPhone. They will then install a brand new one in its place. The result is a nice new back on your iPhone.

These days there are various qualities of iPhone replacement parts on the market. We make sure that we use the highest quality parts available. You may be able to find other iPhone repair companies, which can provide repairs using cheaper lower quality parts. These parts will be poor copies, will fail prematurely and will never be as good as the original ones. We only use Original Quality Parts.

All of our repair services come with our warranty, covering any parts used during the repair, all parts and labor are included in the cost of the repair.


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